Wednesday 25 August 2010

{Art} Gil Elvgren

Yesterday, I made a trip to the Kennett & Lindsell ltd showrooms as I desperately need a dress form. They were extremely helpful and were more concerned with saving me money and catering to my needs rather than lining their pockets. I cannot wait to actually make a purchase. One of the forms they showed me was specifically designed to help with making corselets and it had a lovely silhouette with a nipped in waist. As they were being so nice to me I thought it would be too rude to ask if I could take pictures, but it looked a little bit like this….
(But with bigger boobs)

Louis Vuitton

Now we’re only just starting to see that silhouette make what may just be a comeback in fashion, but I’ve always loved it. It may be because all the women in my family carry that shape, but when I stumbled across the work of American painter Gil Elvgren, that was it for me. I remember for my AS Art portfolio, I painted my own African pin up girl wearing an Ankara print bikini (I had to incorporate fashion in there somehow).

I came across some before and after images of his work, and being a nosey person that likes to see the creative process behind the works of artists and designers, I kind of found the difference fascinating.

It’s like Photoshop the early years don’t you think?

Another thing that caught my attention was the styling in his paintings.

I can’t find the be fore’s and afters for many of his work but it would interesting to see if he included the detailing when painting (which would say a lot about how much attention to detail he paid to fashion) or if the models did the styling themselves (in which case, good job girls)

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Blogger JANE said...

I've always been a fan of Gil Elvgren's work! I love all sorts of pin-up art!

5 October 2010 at 11:19  

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